Lifestyle & Events

The Institute – Tower Hill’s Life Enrichment Program

I am thrilled to introduce myself, Christi Davis, and my role as your Lifestyle Manager with the Tower Hill Institute. By delivering personalized and innovative lifestyle solutions, I intend to foster a strong sense of unity among our members, making the community a place where dreams are nurtured, relationships are formed, and extraordinary memories are made. As a health coach, I understand the valuable impact of ongoing life enrichment for overall wellness and longevity.
My background as a certified health coach, author, and in sales and marketing will enhance my deep understanding of your aspirations as a community member.
Our 3 main pillars for The Institute classes encompass mind, body, and connection. It’s my mission to enhance your overall self-care, ongoing learning and overall community interaction. Our coastal region offers many unique and fun ways to capture the essence of our core class pillars. Together we will be exploring local history, arts, wellness programs, nature, and the overall beautiful coastal surroundings.
My vision is to continue fostering a warm and vibrant community spirit allowing you to explore new adventures, have more time getting to know your neighbors and transcend overall vitality.
As a graduate from the University of Delaware, my roots have always stayed true to whole body wellness and the Delaware beach community. I enjoy all the Delaware beaches has to offer with my husband, two children and border collie poodle. Health and wellness have always been a foundation in my life. I enjoy jogging or walking in my neighborhood, Peloton workouts, crafting new recipes and a great book on the beach.
I look forward to meeting each of you and welcome you to contact me at [email protected] with any questions or program suggestions. Our programs keep getting better because of the input we receive from you!
Healthy wishes,
Christi Davis
Homeowner Testimonials
See what homeowners are saying about The Institute program at Tower Hill!


Kickboxing and Strength Series with Alicia Bercury March 24th – April 28th
4:45 PM Join us for our next series of kickboxing & strength training with Alicia Bercury!
Restore & Stretch: Melt Method with Alicia Bercury
6:00-7:00 PM Join Alicia Bercury for a Restore Stretching class - aka the Melt Method.
Tower Hill Strength Training Series March 28th to May 2nd
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Join us for our next strength training series with Alicia Bercury Fitness.
Tower Hill Lewes YOGA April 2nd – May 14th Series
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM This is our next yoga series with Laura Michnya from Blue Tail Yoga. She will lead this yoga series in the flex room of the clubhouse. This class meets on Wednesdays at 9:30 am. Please bring a yoga mat and water bottle.
Happy Hour with PKS Advisors; Now What? Financial Planning Tips for Retirement
4:00-5:00 PM Are you just starting or nearing retirement? It’s time to fine-tune your retirement strategies to ensure your retirement ready.
Join Us for a FREE Canva Lunch & Learn for Realtors
12:00 PM Join us for an interactive realtor Canva workshop at the Tower Hill Model Home with Kolinda Scialabba!
DE Center for the Inland Bays Presents a Screening of “Unfiltered” – The Truth About Oysters
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Join us for a fun and educational evening where you can enjoy local oysters, appetizers, beer & wine, and a film screening that includes a panel discussion after the film with local oyster experts.
Restore & Stretch: Melt Method with Alicia Bercury
6:00-7:00 PM Join Alicia Bercury for a Restore Stretching class - aka the Melt Method.
Earth Day Institute Spotlight; Pollinator Gardens for Sun & Shade with Wharton’s
11:00AM-12:00 PM Celebrate Earth Day with an inspiring and educational session on creating vibrant pollinator gardens learning about the Lewes Beekeepers Club and our most recent Warre Hive installed here at Tower Hill!Live your Dreams
At Tower Hill, your coastal dreams are as close as your beautifully landscaped backyard. Spend a day at the beach, do some tax-free shopping and explore historic small-town charm. The choice is entirely yours, and it's all just steps away from your forever home at the beach.
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